DEMİRKOL SIZDIRMAZLIK ELEMANLARI started its business life in 1961 by manufacturing asbestos yarn and packing seals. In 1982, DEMİRKOL SIZDIRMAZLIK ELEMANLARIopened its sales center in Galata Hardware Bazaar in Karaköy. In addition to
diversified knitted packing seals, it started to process PTFE (teflon) in 1984. With the increase in mechanical seal applications in Turkey due to the development of sealing technology in the World;
Demirkol, which started to manufacture mechanical seals and rotary unions (water, steam, thermal oil and air/gas rotary joints) in 1988, became the first manufacturer in Turkey in this field.
Apart from standard products, it has also started to design and manufacture special products. It has made a great contribution to the country's economy by making the repair works of each product it has
manufactured. In 1994, it became a limeted company and continued comercial life with DEMİRKOL SIZDIRMAZLIK ELEMANLARI SAN. VE TİC. LTD. ŞTİ. title. DEMİRKOL, which became stronger
with its new partners in 2010, started to carry out all kinds of pump revisions.
DEMİRKOL SIZDIRMAZLIK ELEMANLARI has registered its quality by obtaining the ISO 9001:2008 certificate. In addition to pump and machine manufacturers, DEMİRKOL serves its customers with a wide range of products in the Textile, Food, Plastic and Chemistry industries.